Bonfire Night

We celebrated bonfire night with a firework display and enjoyed parkin and toffee apples. Our pastor Paul gave a short gospel talk around the bonfire.

Family Fun Day July 14th 2018

Once more this year the weather was brilliant as we took over Blackgates school field for the family fun day. Hundreds of people came to enjoy the various activities, have a bite to eat and just chill out. This year there was a climbing wall for the more active adrenalin seekers which seemed to go down well. Being the year of the world cup we had our very own penalty shootout competition which was great fun. In the full heat of the sun the wet sponge throwing seemed to go down well. There were also the usual races in the arena; egg and spoon, sack, running, and then the tug-of-war. All in all a great day out at no charge with Hope church seeking to bless the local community. Click the images below for more…

Believers Baptism - April 7th 2018

Two of our students shared their stories of coming to a personal faith in Jesus Christ and were baptised as a public sign of their dying to self and being raised to new life in him.

Two of our students shared their stories of coming to a personal faith in Jesus Christ and were baptised as a public sign of their dying to self and being raised to new life in him.

Real to Reel

We showed this film in February 2018

We showed this film in February 2018

Carol Concert 2017

We were led in our carol singing by the Garforth Jubilee Brass Band.

Christmas Castaways pictures

On 10th Dec we were entertained by the 4Front Theatre Company with their Christmas Castaways pantomime. Here are a few photos of the event.


Bonfire Night 2017

The rain stayed away (mostly) for an enjoyable evening sitting round the bonfire munching pie & peas with good company, watching the aerial display.


Sundae Sunday

We greatly enjoyed the sundae's after the service last Sunday. Lots of different toppings to go on our ice cream, even bubblegum flavour sauce! 

Family Fun Day 2017

Family Fun Day 2017

This was something for the local community to enjoy and once again people came out in their hundreds and had a great time. The weather turned out to be fantastic with blue skies and warm sun all day. Have a look at the pictures to see something of the event. Maybe try to spot yourself if you came along!